I know and understand the need for each tribe and
nation to keep its indigenous language/s. Should this, however, come at the
cost of the inability to communicate with people from outside our tribes and
Yes, in South Africa we have the right to express ourselves in our
mother tongue, and to a certain extent, within one’s own province this is
possible. But tell me, what then happens to the Xhosa speaking young boy who
moves to Venda for university, and all his life he was taught to take “pride”
in his language such that he saw no need for him to learn and perfect
conversational English? What of the Peddie boy who has a dream to be a pilot
and can only be taught in English when he reaches university? What happens to
the Xhosa maid who comes across a European family looking for the skills she
possesses and carries out with such grace?
I know a great many will bite my head off for saying
this, but I am not apologetic for saying it. Yes, I know that there are white
people from other countries that cannot speak English, I’ve heard that one too
many times, it’s become so lame a reason that it is almost sickening. Until
when will we use the white man as the standard of what is acceptable and what
is not in society? I have heard so many “black and proud” friends say that it
is okay for us to not know English because it is not our mother tongue, and
that some Europeans also don’t know English. So what?
Have our minds become so stuck in our rebellion
against what is in the past such that we use it to spite ourselves and our
growth? Are we so limited in our view of the world spectrum that we do not make
room for ourselves to ever exist outside the borders of South Africa where our
indigenous language will render us shut out to possibilities? I ask.
Yes, let us take pride in who we are, but blackness
is only a state of the mind, God created “them man and woman”, beyond that,
whatever we choose to do, it is on us. Culture is something that we build, not
something that we were born with, as black people, have we become so
comfortable in our culture of trying to disprove the white man such that we
would rather dig ourselves into a hole than take what he has? Just for interest’s
sake, God created languages, not the white man, so learn as much as you can, it’s
not a crime.
There is no reason for the girl in the rural areas
to not know English just because she is “proudly Xhosa”. Do not worry about
going extinct, we will not, and let us just accept that English IS the
universal language and that we will gain nothing from fighting it, or will we?
Educate me. In my view, the things that matter most and be preserved for our African culture, we have lost. We have become European in fundamental human issues and yet we guard and protect what needs no protection. What happened to Ubuntu, who is the ambassador of the preservation of our nature of living as a community, a family? While we chase after the wind, we are losing the nature of who we are, language is only a small part of it.
Yes I speak English with an accent, no it doesn’t say anything
about my level of intellect, and most importantly, it is not to make myself
feel white, I am not even trying to. It seems to me that in our efforts to
prove (to I don’t know who) that we are proud to be black, we are costing
ourselves better opportunities and the ability to rise above the victimisation
of the past. I already said it, and I will not take any of it back.